Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another Day

So our sleeping arrangements are a little moved around for now. Jacob is used to his foster mother sleeping next to him on the floor on a mat. This is a cultural thing, and almost all Koreans do this. So being alone in a strange room in a bed is a little scary if you have never done that. So I sleep in the bed with Jacob, and Rob sleeps on the floor. Jacob transitioned no problem into the bed. We have just had to be very careful, as he will roll right off. So we have had to move the guardrail to ensure his safety! He has slept all through the night both nights. But last night, I did not. He moved around so much. And I had to rescue him from rolling off a couple times (hence why we moved the guardrail around). And he whined in his sleep a little bit. And grinded his teeth a lot. I'm sure it is stress related. Poor little guy. I made a dentist appointment for him, so hopefully we can see if he has been always doing it, or if this is a temporary thing.

He has been adjusting really well. He and Elijah LOVE each other. They play so well together. Elijah loves to make Jacob laugh. Elijah is very affectionate, and he is always giving Jacob hugs and kisses. Jacob gives hugs to all of us (which is so cute to see the two of them hugging - we have never asked them to do it, they do it on their own!), but he has yet to give any kisses. Which is ok. He will come around! Elijah has proven to be a natural leader. Jacob follows Elijah around everywhere. And Elijah is not a bossy kid, so he handles it well. He sees Jacob as a great playmate. He even sets an example for Jacob. We put Elijah in his car seat and Jacob watched. And then he went into the car seat no problem - no wild animal screams. 

Jacob pee'd in the potty another time this morning, but has refused to try again today. I think it shows that he knows how to do it, he is just not ready yet. We made an outing today to Colonial Williamsburg and he and Elijah did great. They ate their and then played. There was a concert out there, so we brought our chairs and marked a little area for them to play. It was lots of fun. He even got to meet one of Elijah's best friends from next door. The three of them ran in circles in the front. So much energy! Sometimes Elijah and Jacob giggle about nothing! It is precious.

I can tell the attachment process is moving along well. He looks to us for approval and reassurance. He snuggles us so closely - especially when he is falling asleep. He trusts us. And he called me Mommy again today. He wanted me to go get something for him and he said, "Mommy! [insert Korean words in a pleading tone that I don't understand while he was pointing down the steps at a toy that had gone down there]." So of course I jumped up and did exactly what he wanted! As far as language, he talks a lot in Korean. We don't understand, but if he needs something, we can usually figure it out. And he is really starting to understand what we are saying. I told him to put the truck down and go get in his chair so we could eat. I didn't point or anything. And he did it. I was so proud of him! He has tried to imitate a few words in English already. I think he'll pick it up quick.

I am sorry that I don't have any pictures today. My camera died, and I need to get some more AA batteries tomorrow. So hopefully I can post some tomorrow!

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